trees and trains
Network Rail manages some 6 million trees on railway-related land across the network. Trees cause many operational problems and retaining trees close to the railway is often a challenge. To help meet national targets for new woodland cover Network Rail is piloting a different approach. Rather than plant within or immediately adjacent to the railway - and creating problems for the future - it is looking at how to support tree and woodland planting on land more distant from the railway. With careful siting these new woodlands can also help reduce the impacts on sections of railway vulnerable to flooding.
The NECFC has been working with Network Rail to identify a number of sites in the Cluster area suitable for new woodland planting under this Trees and Trains - Growing Green Corridors initiative. Five schemes have been worked-up in outline and are now going through the process of consultation and refinement with a view to receiving funding via the England Woodland Creation Offer. The sites are also being used to help model and inform development of the Forestry Commission's emerging Woodland Water Code which may result in tradeable ‘Woodland Water Units’ that could benefit Cluster Members.